Tuesday, August 30, 2011


   Mt. Kanlaon has been known to be highest peak in the Visayas and 27th throughout the country. Many climbers had been aiming to climb its peak. Its a three day journey to top with only our backpack complete with what's needed to live in the wild.

   Its name came from Kan-laon (Visayan god). The Supreme ruler and is the name of pre-Historic Visayan diety. It is an active volcano in Negros in the central part of the Philippines. It is the highest peak in central Philippines. It forms as a border dividing Negros into two provinces of Negros occidental and Negros Oriental. It is also one of the six most active volcanoes in the Philippines. It had erupted 26 times since 1886 and last volcanic activity was noted june 03 - july  2006. On august 1996, mt kanlaon erupted without warning killing a british and 2 pinoy who were among the 24 climbers who were trapped near the summit. A belgian  from another group of mountaineers said  she and her group were about to leave from the crater when the eruption begun ejecting ash and stones and saw her friends being hit by falling stones.The lifting of alert level 1 status open mt.Kanlaon for climbing since march 28, 2008.
  The volcano has 3 Hot Springs on its slopes Mambucal, Bucalan and Bungol.


   Mt.kanlaon has a diverse trees and mossy forest but as time passes by, the place has been threatened of deforestation. Manifestations are seen even at the foot of the mountain. Illegal logging, kaingin etc. People has gathered the products of nature with greediness in mind. Many mountaineers are making their moves to help control people making nature their money chest without even thinking of the impact of what they had been doing. In the future, if this vast deforestation is left unattended then it would threaten the whole animal kingdom pushing wildlife to the verge of extinction, intensified global warming effects and Increased soil erosion as well.

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Climbing Mt. Kanlaon..

I was fortunate to had climb this mountain. With its diverse forest and ecosystem. An experience well remembered. We had climb its summit together with my 5 friends with 2 guides. Its been a three day climb with very steep slopes specialy on the first day going to makawiwili peak. One of our companion even got sick on the night of our trek. On day 0  we stayed overnight at the jump-off at sitio mapot and spend the night with tanduay.

Mt.KanlaonMt. Kanlaon (Mapot-masulog Trail)
Entry point: Sitio Mapot, Brgy. Maiba, Canlaon City
Exit Point: Sitio Mananawin, Brgy. Masulog Canlaon City

Itinerary followed during our climb

Day 0
1600 arrival at canlaon city by bus, buy supplies
1700 arrange transpo to drop-off
1800 eta @ drop off at sitio mapot, spend the night

Day 1
0630 Wake up call
0800 Start ascent to Makawiwili Peak
1100 Lunch on trail
1230 Resume ascent
1600 Arrival at Makawiwili Peak, Set up camp (gets very cold at night)
1700 Explore area
0600 Dinner / socials

Day 2
0500 Wake up call
0530 Prepare breakfast and packed lunch
0630 Break camp
0730 Start trek to PMS lagoon (water source available)
1100 Lunch PMS
1230 resume trek to pagatpat ridge
1400 Start descent to Margaja Valley
1530 ETA Margaja Valley, explore the area and relax (has water during rainy days and is also called margaja lake)
1600 start ascend to shoulder
1700 ETA at shoulder, pitch tent
(shoulder is highly expose to strong winds so its advisable to pitch tent @ margaja valley)
- Assault to crater-summit for sunset view
1830 prepare dinner/socials

Day 3
0500 Wake up call
0600 Prepare breakfast and packed lunch
0630 Break camp
0700 - Assault to crater-summit for sunrise view
0730 ETA @ crater-summit
0830 Start descent to mananawin
1200 head to Canlaon City or side trip if any

The Trek

lunch  break going to makawiwili

We started the trek 6:00 am had lunch along the way and travel our way out of the rainforest out to the makawiwili peak.

mt.kanlaon peak as viewed from makawiwili
Kanlaon Summit at the Background
(taken from makawiwili peak)
Reaching Makawiwili Peak

The view was exhilarating easing our tiring body. The peak gives us 360 view of the surrounding and specially give us the best view to look at Mt. Kanlaon.

my friend showing his powerpitch tent
sunset @ makawiwili
Makawiwili Peak
Picture Taken at makawiwili peak during sunset. Noticeably we could see a wooden stick form a cross behind me. Our guide told us that there had been an incident of a foreigner that died on that site. Makawiwili peak is very dangerous. Its because right behind me is a cliff, knife edge facing the Kanlaon peak.Grasses covered the edge and so the foreigner might have not notice it causing him to fall right into it.

  •  campsite expose to strong winds, gets very cold at night
  •  very dangerous since it has an overhang cliff, knife edge  

Mt.Kanlaon taken from makawiwili peak

PMS- lunch break
PMS lagoon

On the following day we was supposed to take sunrise pictures at makawiwili peak but unfortunately thick fog sorrounded us. With this we  started the trek to PMS lagoon. From makawiwili we trailed through unestablished trail going to PMS lagoon which our guide said only few had knew. We reach the area by 11am and had our lunch and had our tents dry under the suns heat. The place was beautiful, the watersource was not so clean as its was stagnant water but we had no choice. But then, it still taste good..haha..

Margaja Valley / Margaja Lake

Margaja Valley
We had arrive at this point by 3:30 pm.
 Here we rested for a while. Some climbers would spend their night in this place since it is sorounded by peaks.
This place is also called Margaja lake since during rainy season its water level rises.The place is so wide that in my opinion it could contain four football fields.

makawiwili as viewed from margaja valleyRight behind me you could see the cliff part of makawiwili peak. From this point we see how deep it is. No one would surely survived if someone would accidentally fall.

Crater_Summit at the background
Margaja Valley with the Crater Summit at the Background

Margaja Valley
Behind the pic you could see the Shoulder part of the Summit.

start of trek to shoulder
Start of trek to Shoulder to pitch our tent

View at the shoulder

Trek to summit for Sunset View
The distance from the shoulder to the summit seems so near. What we thought was near lasted for almost 30mins of steep ascend. We thought it would only be a 10min trek or less.

shoulder at the background as viewed from the peak
at the background you could see the shoulder
(shoulder is where we had pitch our tent))

makawiwili  at the background as viewed from the peak
Sand & Stones @ the highest point of Mt.Kanlaon
(makawiwili peak at the background)

Crater + Summit

Am I in Heaven?
Kanlaon Summit + Kanlaon Crater

Am I in Heaven?
This what comes in my mind whenever i see this pic of us during our climb. Were surrounded with vast sea of clouds. Its like Heaven on Earth experience. Eversince my highschool days this was my long time dream, going outdoors & getting to the highest point.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Moving planet Rally on Sept24,2011


Ive been browsing thru fb when ive came across this video post. Its a worldwide rally to demand solutions to climate crisis. They are promoting and inviting everyone to be on their bike, on skates, boards or just on foot and calling for the world to go beyond fossils. They are inviting us to organize an event around the world on Sept24,2011. They even described it as a Big, Bold, Beautiful day of Climate Action.

About Moving Planet

Why: For too long our leaders have denied, compromised and caved. That era must come to end:  its time to get moving on the climate crisis.

Where: All over the world

Who: You, your friends, your family and your nieghbors

Their site: http://www.moving-planet.org/about

About the Logo


The arrow shows how the planet will move in the direction that we want to move in and thats is away froim the coal! and display our goals for a clean energy in the future. They hope to see similar arrows all across the planet, pointing away from the fossil fuels and towards the solutions against pollution and get back to 350 ppm. A day to move beyond fossil fuels.

(sent out last april of 2011 by moving planet org)

"Dear friends,
The first few months of this year have been among the most exciting on record--people in half a dozen countries have stood bravely up for their rights. Many of them have won, overthrowing dictatorships that date back decades.
Our 350.org colleagues in those countries have--predictably--been a big part of the freedom movement, and they’ve been keeping us up to date on how they’re using everything from Twitter to graffiti art to spread the word. Most of all they keep saying how wonderful it finally feels to be in motion: to be marching, running, moving after years of being stuck in the same tired place.
That feeling of being stuck is how we’ve felt in the climate movement for years now. The scientists have told us why we must change--and every record flood and heat wave adds to their message. The engineers have told us how we can change, as they’ve quickly turned windmills and solar panels from promising experiments into tested technology. The only thing now preventing change is the hold of the financially powerful status quo--all those coal and oil barons, and their friends in high government places, keeping us stuck in the polluting mud of inaction.
This year is going to be about movement in every sense of the word. Not just the big shoulder-to-shoulder campaign we’ve built together across the world these last two years, but also actual, powerful, fun dramatic movement in the streets -- putting into action our demand for a future free from fossil fuels and dangerous climate change.
Circle September 24 on your calendar--that’s the day for what we’re calling Moving Planet: a day to move beyond fossil fuels.

On 24 September we’ll be figuring out the most meaningful ways to make the climate message move, literally. We'll show that we can use our hands, our feet, and our hearts to spur real change. In many places, people will ride bicycles, one of the few tools used by both affluent and poor people around the world. Other places people will be marching, dancing, running, or kayaking, or skateboarding. Imagine the spectacle: thousands of people encircling national capitals, state houses, city halls.

But we won't just be cycling or marching--we'll also be delivering a strong set of demands that can have real political impact. They’ll differ from one country to the next, of course, because the steps we need to take depend on how much fossil fuel we already use.

 To make this political impact we need to start building momentum now. In the US, 10,000 young leaders got the ball rolling at the Power Shift 2011 summit and rally in Washington, DC last weekend. We'll build this momentum together over the next five months, with hard-hitting online campaigns, focused grassroots organizing at the local level, and climate leadership workshops around the world.
Our friends in Tunisia, Egypt, and throughout the Middle East have proven that change can come quickly. The greatest achievements have been without violence, but not without sacrifice. They’ve done it with bravery, and also good humor; with the internet and also with face-to-face organizing. They’ve got things unstuck in countries that seemed rusted shut. They’re our inspiration for the months ahead.

Bill McKibben

To Start An Event

Registering an event for moving planet on Sept24 is easy. You just had to sign-up on their site to put the community on the map of events for the global day of activities.
Just go to this link: http://www.moving-planet.org/start and sign-up

Everything about the event info can be edited later so you don't have to figure out everything at first.
Just remember that moving planet is all about real, active movement for climate action like cycling marching, walking, running and many more 

Just make your description more appealing to readers to make people want to join and enjoy.

Event Poster

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Visa Exemption for Filipinos

Visa Exemption for filipinos

If you’re a Filipino and a holder of Philippine passport who loves traveling and exploring the beauty of the world but hates the visa requirement to some countries, frown no more for you can still go to wonderful places hassle-free. Just bring your passport, plane tickets, itinerary, and money for your tour. Enjoy!

Asia (ASEAN)
• Brunei Darussalam - 14 days
• Cambodia - 21 days
• Indonesia - 30 days
• Laos - 30 days
• Malaysia - 30 days
• Singapore - 30 days
• Thailand - 30 days
• Vietnam - 21 days

Asia (Non-ASEAN)
• Azerbaijan - 30 days visa issued upon arrival for US$100
• Bangladesh - 90-days visa issued upon arrival for US$50
• Republic of China (Taiwan) - 30 days if holding a vaild visa for Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Schengen countries, United Kingdom or United States
• Georgia - 90 days visa issued on arrival for US$10 ~ US$200
• Hong Kong - 14 days
• Iran - 15 days visa issued upon arrival for US$50
• Israel - 90 days
• South Korea (Jeju Island only) - 30 days
• Macau - 30 days
• Maldives - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Mongolia - 21 days
• Nepal - 15/30/90 days visa issued upon arrival for US$25/40/100
• Sri Lanka - 30 days
• Timor-Leste - 30 days visa issued upon arrival for US$30

• Kosovo - 90 days

• Cook Islands - 31 days
• Fiji - 120 days Visitor's Permit issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Marshall Islands - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Federated States of Micronesia - 30 days
• Niue - 30 days
• Palau - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Samoa - 60 days Visitor's Permit issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Tuvalu - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Vanuatu - 30 days

North America
• Bermuda - 31 days
• Costa Rica - 120 days Visitor's Permit issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Dominica - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Haiti - 30 days
• Nicaragua - 30 days
• Saint Kitts and Nevis - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Saint Lucia - 60 days Visitor's Permit issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 30 days visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)
• Turks and Caicos Islands - 30 days

South America
• Bolivia - 59 days
• Brazil - 90 days
• Colombia - 90 days
• Ecuador - 90 days
• Peru - 90 days
• Suriname - 120 days

• Burundi - visa issued upon arrival
• Cape Verde - visa issued upon arrival
• Comoros - A free 24 hour transit visa issued upon arrival at the airport. Within 24 hours this must be converted into a full visa at the immigration office in Moroni (fee payable)
• Djibouti - 10 days visa issued upon arrival for DJF3,000; 30 days visa issued upon arrival for DJF5,000
• Gambia - At port of entry passport 24-72 hour transit pass is issued. This must be converted into a full visa valid up to 1 month at the immigration department in Banjul (fee payable)
• Kenya - 90 days visa issued upon arrival for US$50
• Madagascar - 90 days visa issued upon arrival for MGA140,000
• Morocco - 90 days
• Mozambique - 30 days visa issued upon arrival for US$25
• Saint Helena - visa issued upon arrival
• Seychelles - 30 days
• Tanzania - visa issued upon arrival for US$50
• Togo - 7 days visa issued upon arrival
• Uganda - 180 days visa issued upon arrival for US$50
• Zambia - 90 days visa issued upon arrival for US$50

Credits to Sir Wacky Dimaano of Philippine Mountaineering

Monday, August 15, 2011



 Such a nice place. The Sunrise, the sunset, the glamour of the peak and the feeling within after such feat. Its been my long aim to be in such a majestic mountain. The highest within the philippines towering 3143 meters above sea level. Its every mountaineers dream. Its where we could relax and savor the moment with the sea of clouds. 


Entry point: Brgy.Mainit Digos
Exit point: Kidapawan

Day 0
5:00 PM ETD Cebu Airport
6:00 PM ETA Davao international Airport
6:00 PM onwards - overnight stay at our guides house

6:30 AM ETD Ecoland Terminal
8:00 AM ETA Digos terminal (Arrange trike for market)
8:05 AM Digos market (Breakfast, buy additional supplies)
9:00 AM ETD for kapatagan (kapatagan bound van)
11:00 AM ETA Sitio aras, kapatagan military checkpoint
11:05 AM ETD for brgy. Mainit jump-off (Lunch, last minute check supplies)
1:00 PM start trek
2:00 PM ETA brgy.Sabuag (sari2x store, water source)
4:15 PM water source (minifalls)
4:45 PM "Baroring Camp", rest at river (small campsite, last good water source)
5:00 PM Resume trek to mossy forest
6:20 PM Goody-goody Camp (Big Campsite, water source available)
6:30 PM Set-up Camp, prepare dinner
8:00 PM Socials
10:00 PM Lights out

7:00 AM Wake-up call
8:00 AM Prepare Breakfast and Packed lunch, breakfast
8:45 AM Break camp
9:00 AM Start trek
9:30 Am Boulders entry (keep voices down - sacred mountain)
11:30 AM ETA “boracay” (white sand flat area) – lunch
1:00 PM resume trek - 87 degree assault
1:30 PM Crater Lake
3:00 PM Summit Campsite (huge campsite, water source available)
3:15 PM Set-up camps, explore peaks
5:00 PM Prepare dinner
6:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Socials
11:00 PM lights out – The temperature will drop to almost freezing (0-5 degrees C) during night-time at the summit, so bring a fleece under your goretex

5:00 AM Wake-up call – head to summit of your choice
5:30 AM Summit sunrise – picture taking
6:30 AM Prepare breakfast & packed Lunch
7:45 AM Breakfast, Breakcamp
9:00 AM Start Descend
10:30 AM lake venado – picture2x
10:45 AM Resume trek
12:20 AM Koong junction
2:00 PM ETA Mainit Camp, late lunch (water falls and mini hot spring)
2:40 PM resume trek to marble river (river crossing)
5;35 PM End of river crossing
6:15 PM ETA Lake Agco Resort
6:30 PM Stay overnight (propose lng ni nko mo-stay ta sa resort)
Resort rates: http://lakeagco.cjb.net/
Hot spring and steam bath – relax after sa kahago sa pagSaka
8:00 PM Dinner
9:00 PM Socials
12:00 PM Lights out

8:00 AM Wake-up call , arrange transpo for davao
9:00 AM ETD for Davao City
12:00 PM ETA Davao City – side trip (optional)
-> huwat na dayon sa flight pa-uli

>>> summary
day o august31 - davao city
day 1 sept 1 - godi2x camp
day 2 sept 2 - summit camp
day 3 sept 3 - lake agko hot spring and jacuzzi
day 4 sept 4 - side trip if any, flight home

Proposed Per person budget
Terminal fee @ airport – 200 ------------------------------------ 400
Taxi from airport to sm  - 115 -------------------------- 230
pakyaw jeep from sandawa to Digos up to mainit jump-off---------------------------------------- 300
Registration – -------------------------------------------------- 750
Agco Resort entrance –25 (overnight) -------------------------- 25
habal2x to kidapawan terminal – 85------------------------- 85
Kidapawan to Davao – 150 ---------------------------------------- 150
Misc – 500 ----------------------------------------- ----------------- 500
Food share – 500--------------------------------------------------- 500

Kapatagan trail

One of the challenging routes to the peak. This route comprises of boulders & sulfur vents making it a more volcanic feel. It has an 87 degress assault right after the boulders, crater lake then the peak.
From the peak their you could enjoy the sunrise and sunset depending on your set time arrival and departure from the peak. The next spotlight will be the lake venado. Very wide campsite but sad to say, garbage are seen in bulk. Its here that most mountaineers set their last campsite.

The following are the campsites and the must see in this trail:

Sabwag Campsite
       > basketball court campsite
       > has watersource, & sari-sari store..
Godi-Godi Campsite
      > big campsite, with water source
      > a mountain of boulders (lava stones)
      > huge chunks of stones
Sulfur Vent
      > advisable to wear mask due foul odor emitted
White Sand Area (Boracay)
      > resting place right after the boulders to restore energy for the 87deg assault
87 degrees assault
      > very steep trail
      > advisable to take a break at boracay before you proceed
Crater Lake
Summit Campsite
Lake Venado
      > ussual campsite as with the summit campsite, very wide area and can accomodate lots of mountaineer
      > garbage are abundant in this place, please be a responsible mountaineer.
Koong Campsite
River Crossing @ Marble River
     > usually has calm waters
     > very dangerous during heavy rainfall,. current gets very strong.
Lake Agko resort
     > Hot spring
     > Swimming pool
     > Room accomodations
     > Cottages
     > and lots of Foods......