Friday, August 19, 2011

Moving planet Rally on Sept24,2011


Ive been browsing thru fb when ive came across this video post. Its a worldwide rally to demand solutions to climate crisis. They are promoting and inviting everyone to be on their bike, on skates, boards or just on foot and calling for the world to go beyond fossils. They are inviting us to organize an event around the world on Sept24,2011. They even described it as a Big, Bold, Beautiful day of Climate Action.

About Moving Planet

Why: For too long our leaders have denied, compromised and caved. That era must come to end:  its time to get moving on the climate crisis.

Where: All over the world

Who: You, your friends, your family and your nieghbors

Their site:

About the Logo


The arrow shows how the planet will move in the direction that we want to move in and thats is away froim the coal! and display our goals for a clean energy in the future. They hope to see similar arrows all across the planet, pointing away from the fossil fuels and towards the solutions against pollution and get back to 350 ppm. A day to move beyond fossil fuels.

(sent out last april of 2011 by moving planet org)

"Dear friends,
The first few months of this year have been among the most exciting on record--people in half a dozen countries have stood bravely up for their rights. Many of them have won, overthrowing dictatorships that date back decades.
Our colleagues in those countries have--predictably--been a big part of the freedom movement, and they’ve been keeping us up to date on how they’re using everything from Twitter to graffiti art to spread the word. Most of all they keep saying how wonderful it finally feels to be in motion: to be marching, running, moving after years of being stuck in the same tired place.
That feeling of being stuck is how we’ve felt in the climate movement for years now. The scientists have told us why we must change--and every record flood and heat wave adds to their message. The engineers have told us how we can change, as they’ve quickly turned windmills and solar panels from promising experiments into tested technology. The only thing now preventing change is the hold of the financially powerful status quo--all those coal and oil barons, and their friends in high government places, keeping us stuck in the polluting mud of inaction.
This year is going to be about movement in every sense of the word. Not just the big shoulder-to-shoulder campaign we’ve built together across the world these last two years, but also actual, powerful, fun dramatic movement in the streets -- putting into action our demand for a future free from fossil fuels and dangerous climate change.
Circle September 24 on your calendar--that’s the day for what we’re calling Moving Planet: a day to move beyond fossil fuels.

On 24 September we’ll be figuring out the most meaningful ways to make the climate message move, literally. We'll show that we can use our hands, our feet, and our hearts to spur real change. In many places, people will ride bicycles, one of the few tools used by both affluent and poor people around the world. Other places people will be marching, dancing, running, or kayaking, or skateboarding. Imagine the spectacle: thousands of people encircling national capitals, state houses, city halls.

But we won't just be cycling or marching--we'll also be delivering a strong set of demands that can have real political impact. They’ll differ from one country to the next, of course, because the steps we need to take depend on how much fossil fuel we already use.

 To make this political impact we need to start building momentum now. In the US, 10,000 young leaders got the ball rolling at the Power Shift 2011 summit and rally in Washington, DC last weekend. We'll build this momentum together over the next five months, with hard-hitting online campaigns, focused grassroots organizing at the local level, and climate leadership workshops around the world.
Our friends in Tunisia, Egypt, and throughout the Middle East have proven that change can come quickly. The greatest achievements have been without violence, but not without sacrifice. They’ve done it with bravery, and also good humor; with the internet and also with face-to-face organizing. They’ve got things unstuck in countries that seemed rusted shut. They’re our inspiration for the months ahead.

Bill McKibben

To Start An Event

Registering an event for moving planet on Sept24 is easy. You just had to sign-up on their site to put the community on the map of events for the global day of activities.
Just go to this link: and sign-up

Everything about the event info can be edited later so you don't have to figure out everything at first.
Just remember that moving planet is all about real, active movement for climate action like cycling marching, walking, running and many more 

Just make your description more appealing to readers to make people want to join and enjoy.

Event Poster

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